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Just Olives News 13.09.2024 | Olive oil - a good source of fat?

Dear Olive Oil Friend,

FAT - many readers will instinctively wince at this word. Wrongly so! Fats are essential for human survival, even though advertising makes us believe otherwise. The decisive factor is rather which fats we are talking about, because there are big differences between different types of fat!

Do you know what types of fat are in olive oil?

If not, then this newsletter is for you. :-)

In addition to saturated fatty acids, olive oil also contains a particularly high proportion of valuable unsaturated fatty acids. It is particularly rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are among the healthiest fats of all! This monounsaturated fat is a fatty acid called oleic acid. Studies suggest that oleic acid can reduce inflammation and even have a positive effect on blood pressure. And as if that wasn't enough, olive oil also contains other fatty acids, namely omega-3 and omega-6. A real superfood, as we described in our last newsletter!

If you would like to read the last newsletter again, you can find it in our archive.

The Mediterranean diet uses a lot of olive oil, which is said to have a positive effect on the health and life expectancy of people in the Mediterranean region.

In addition, many studies have shown that the fats in olive oil probably have far more positive than negative effects on body weight.

Nuts are another valuable source of fat - they are also said to be very beneficial to health! How about a crunchy salad today, garnished with nuts and high-quality, organic extra virgin olive oil?

No matter what connotations fat evokes in us, we absolutely need it to survive. In fact, what we should do is pay attention to the source of fat.


Have you already ordered your olive oil supply for the new season? 

If you would also like to enjoy truly fine organic extra virgin olive oil with a proven high polyphenol content, you can order your Just Olives organic olive oil right here on our website:


Did you know?

We deliver your Just Olives organic olive oil to many countries in the European Union and to the United Kingdom. We even offer free shipping to Germany! You can find more details in our shop under shipping information.



We look forward to your order and will keep you up to date as usual when we go to Tuscany for the panel test at the end of October!

Autumn greetings,

Your Carmen, Christian, Cassian and Kate

Just Olives


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