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Welcome to Just Olives!

Get your welcome gift now!
We are very pleased that you are here. 
To help you get started in the world of Just Olives, we would like to offer you
two welcome gifts: our brand new organic olive oil guide and an invitation to an exclusive virtual tasting!

1. Your Organic Olive Oil Guide

Do you know where your Just Olives organic olive oil comes from and how it is produced?


You can find the answer in our brand new organic olive oil guide, which you can download for free. Simply fill in the form below. 


In this brochure, you will also get lots of insights into the exciting world of your new Just Olives organic olive oil and learn why high-quality olive oil is good for your health and what distinguishes our olive oil from supermarket olive oils. You'll also find some of our favourite recipes to enjoy making with your new Just Olives organic olive oil! 


2. Your Exclusive Virtual Olive Oil Tasting

What does a real "extra virgin" olive oil taste like? And can I cook with olive oil? 

To answer these and all your other questions about olive oil, we would like to invite you to our exclusive virtual olive oil tasting, where you can discover the real flavour of organic olive oil! 


As the founders of Just Olives, we will take you on a culinary journey of discovery into the world of liquid gold - all from the comfort of your own home.


Would you be interested to learn more? Simply select your date below!

Get your gifts now

As soon as you sign up, you will receive an e-mail from us with the link to download your organic olive oil guide!

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How did you hear about Just Olives?*
When would you like to take part in the exclusive virtual olive oil tasting?*

Thank you - check your emails now to get your olive oil guide!

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